...I have no idea! So let's go by her alias name Shoplifter. If you are unaware of her work she was the artist who created Bjork's hair helmuts for Medulla. Her work is incredibly fascinating and well thought out. Now here is something you might not know. Shoplifter has stated in Nyartbeat that the whole hair concept originated from a flower made of hair she kept as a child. It was called a Victorian memory flower, and when a person passed away it was common back in Victorian times for loved ones to weave braid's of the hair into their jewelry. Now that I know this it gives her art an entirely new perspective. Hair as an art form was essentially created for the purpose of mourning a loved one, and here Shoplifter exploits this custom into large lavish sculptures of thick intricate braids tangled into another in harmonious elegance. Somehow it's beautiful.
While we are on the topic of hair art, here is an entirely different concept from Nagi Nota; a Japanese pop artist and director.
Have you seen the Ked's Whitney Collection from the conceptual artist Jenny Holzer? The shoes are sold at Bloomingdales in the city and Keds.com. The proceeds go to the Whitney Art Museum.
I'm kind of fascinated with this website GALLERYcrawl that reviews the NYC art exhibits just in case you haven't found time to run over and check them out yourself.
(Ohh..by the way mapcidy has great reviews on local art shows as well)
I'm such a slacker and did not make it to the "Twilight: Surrealism, Photography and Paris" exhibit at the International Center of Photography last winter, but I got lucky and was able to see it last week on my vacation to Savannah (my boyfriend's wonderful family lives there) I got to see the originals of the Man Ray photographs I have hanging above my bed and some Hans Bellmer art I haven't seen yet. :) However my favorite were the cancan dancers! Photographed by Iise Bing.
This photo is of my little cousin Kara. I went to visit her and her 9 brothers and sisters in Lancaster County Pennsylvania about two years ago. She was four when we took this picture.
I'm working drawing a new project that is taking me forever when I glance to my left to see Paddington spying on me from the bookcase. So instead of knocking him off my furniture (he's not allowed) and continuing my project I started taking pictures of him and I never finished my drawing.